Recognize Your Dealers with Incentives Using Imprinted Toys and Games with Logo | Promotional Products Blog
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Recognize Your Dealers with Incentives Using Imprinted Toys and Games with Logo

Posted by QualityImprint Admin on

One cannot discount the huge role that dealers play in the success of your business. You may have the best products in the industry but without your dealers who will get the merchandise to end users. If your business was a car, the dealers are the engine that will run the business. Without the people pushing your products to customers, you might as well close your business. For this reason, you need to recognize their efforts and show them how much they are valued.

One of the ways you can show recognition for your dealers is by offering them with incentives. Dealer incentive programs help show your distribution network that you value the time and energy they are giving. If you do not have a dealer incentive program in your company yet, it is high time you create one or lose your dealers. Such programs need not be overwhelming and expensive on your part. Promotional products like imprinted toys and games with logo can be a good starting point for dealer incentive programs. Here are some tips for ensuring a successful dealer incentive program using imprinted toys and games.


Anyone who is involved in the distribution and delivery of toys with logo is a perfect candidate for dealer incentives. Hence, smart organizations often have multiple programs simultaneously. Others opt for a multi-tiered incentive that includes distributors, jobbers, wholesalers, and resellers. It would be of great help to separate the information by region since dealers and distributors of imprinted toys usually operate within a specific area.


The ultimate goal of every dealer program is to increase sales. Achieving that goal is the hard part. Your objective is to clarify exactly what you want your incentive program to accomplish and how you intend to do it. Your goals should be:

  • Simple and specific. Avoid using broad terms like increase sales of imprinted balloons. Instead say “Increase sale of balloons with logo by 10 percent between March and June.”
  • Realistic. Be ambitious with your agenda but compare your goals to past history. If you have a history of never coming close to your objective for frisbees with logo, make sure to justify why this time will be different. On a slow period, expect that your sales of imprinted frisbees with not come close to peak-period numbers.
  • Measurable. If you cannot gauge the performance of imprinted playing cards, it will be difficult to prove the success of your program. You should also compare the program against past and future initiatives for playing cards with logo.
  • Well-timed. Dealer incentives should be run when they will be most beneficial. Be ready your adjust your objectives to suit fluctuations in the business cycle. Dealers of stuffed toys with logo who have participated and won awards for multiple years will expect rules consistent with previous campaigns. You have the option to create an open-ended or close-ended program. You can also introduce several levels of rewards and give dealers an opportunity to earn imprinted stuffed toys.


There are programs that ask salespeople to cram their sales of imprinted puzzles into a short period instead of promoting consistent performance. This is not the best long-term strategy. It is best to reward salespeople who can establish relationships with customers of puzzles with logo and learn about their needs.


The belief that 80 percent of your sales of stress relievers with logo comes from 20 percent of your people is more reality than myth. Don’t overlook the best and most promising of your upcoming producers. You also need to motivate this people to push your sales of imprinted stress relievers from good to great. You can also consider giving distributors the support they need to run their own campaigns.


Throughout the duration of the program, you should monitor which dealers are selling imprinted headphones and how much are they being sold. Also, keep a close eye on who is redeeming headphones with logo. Sometimes a little tweaking is all that is necessary.


You now have a dealer incentive program in place but you need to promote it. Nothing is worse than having a great program that no one knows about. You need to get the word out and keep it going so prioritize communications. Give them different avenues for enrolling and participating. Experienced distributors can lend their expertise on the planning. Give out kickoff materials such as adult calendars with logo. Reach out to more people using imprinted adult calendars. The more people you invite, the more successful your program will be.


While a successful dealer program will pay for itself, you will still need to spend money for other stuff such as promotion, awards, and administration. There are several ways you can get the funds. For example, you can allot 4 to 7 percent of the base pay for imprinted highlighters of the average participant. Another option is to allot 5 to 10 percent of the expected sales of highlighters with logo as the total cost of the program.

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